This piece is dedicated to Lady J, who has shown me the stars in the darkness, who has stood by my side even in my quietest moments, and who has touched my soul with her unwavering presence. Her existence is like a whisper in lost moments, a gentle hand lifting me when I fall. These words are a reflection of my gratitude and love for her. For some people do not merely cross our paths; they imprint themselves upon our souls, making us stronger, braver, and filled with hope.
There are whispers lost in time. Sometimes they drift away on the night wind; sometimes they echo endlessly in the depths of a heart. When a person listens to silence, what do they hear? Longing, traces of the past, or the unspoken words hidden within their soul?
Lady J was someone who heard those whispers. A woman who could perceive the emotions hidden behind a smile, who could see greatness in the smallest of moments. There was an ocean in her eyes—sometimes stormy, sometimes still, but always carrying a glimmer of hope. Those who knew her saw her strength, not her vulnerability. But even light carries its own darkness.
At night, she would gaze at the sky. As she watched the stars, a thought would settle into her heart: “I wonder if the stars feel lonely too?” Like a shadow lost within the light, she sometimes sought answers to the questions that echoed within her silence. But do you know? Even in their solitude, the stars continue to shine. And perhaps that was why there was always a glow in Lady J’s eyes.
She believed in love. Not just any love—love with deep roots, love that defied time, love that existed beyond words. She could see it in the sincerity of a smile, in the silent support of a friend, in the unexpected question, “Are you okay?” But sometimes, she also felt the voids hidden within silences.
You see, love sometimes arrives as a whisper—so faint, almost imperceptible. But if your soul is open, you will hear it.
One day, Lady J paused before a mirror. She saw the marks time had left upon her, but most of all, she saw the strength growing within. The greatest victory is not winning the love of others but learning to exist in love within oneself. And at that moment, she understood—love does not always need to be reciprocated; what matters is the ability to feel it.
Perhaps life was like a river—sometimes calm, sometimes overflowing, but always finding its way. And if one does not resist, if one allows themselves to flow with the current, they will realise the river always leads them where they need to be.
Lady J now understood. Hope is the flower that blooms even in the darkest moments. Storms may come and break the branches, but those with strong roots will always grow again. And so, she had learnt to grow once more.
That night, as she laid her head upon her pillow, her eyes welled up. But this time, her tears did not fall from sorrow; they fell from acceptance. Because some tears do not just signify pain—they also speak of healing.
Hope is always waiting for us somewhere. Perhaps in the first light of morning, perhaps in the warmth of a friend’s words… Or perhaps, most of all, in the deepest corners of our hearts.
And above all, good people always win. Because where there is kindness, light, and love, shadows can never last.
Burak Anaturk is a professional civil engineer. He focuses on sharing lessons from his life experiences, exploring diverse perspectives, and discussing personal development topics.
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