1) Registering as a Vendor with the United Nations Vendors interested in fulfilling the requirement described above must be registered at the UN Global Marketplace (www.ungm.org) with the UN Secretariat in order to be eligible to participate in any solicitation. Information on the registration process can be found at https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/vendors. Prerequisites for Eligibility In order to be eligible for UN registration, you must declare that: Your company (as well as any parent, subsidiary or affiliate companies) is not listed in, or associated with a company or individual listed in:the Compendium of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Lists (https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/un-sc-consolidated-list), or the IIC Oil for Food List website or, if listed on either, this has been disclosed to the United Nations Procurement Division in writing.Your company (as well as any parent, subsidiary or affiliate companies) is not currently removed or suspended by the United Nations or any other UN organisation (including the World Bank);Your company (as well as any parent, subsidiary of affiliate companies) is not under formal investigation, nor have been sanctioned within the preceding three (3) years, by any national authority of a United Nations Member State for engaging or having engaged in proscribed practices, including but not limited to: corruption, fraud, coercion, collusion, obstruction, or any other unethical practice; Your company has not declared bankruptcy, are not involved in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and there is no judgment or pending legal action against your company that could impair your company’s operations in the foreseeable future; Your company does not employ, or anticipate employing, any person(s) who is, or has been a UN staff member within the last year, if said UN staff member has or had prior professional dealings with the Vendor in his/her capacity as UN staff member within the last three years of service with the UN (in accordance with UN post-employment restrictions published in ST/SGB/2006/15). Your company undertakes not to engage in proscribed practices (including but not limited to: corruption, fraud, coercion, collusion, obstruction, or any other unethical practice), with the UN or any other party, and to conduct business in a manner that averts any financial, operational, reputational or other undue risk to the UN. For Registered Vendors: Vendors already registered at the UN Global Marketplace with the UN Secretariat must ensure that the information and documentation (e.g. financial statements, address, contact name, etc.) provided in connection with their registration are up to date in UNGM. Please verify and ensure that your company is registered under its full legal name. For Vendors Interested in Registration: Vendors not yet registered should apply for registration on the United Nations Global Marketplace (http://www.ungm.org); information on the registration process can be found at https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/vendors. Vendors must complete the registration process prior to the closing date of the REOI. Vendors who have not completed the UNGM registration process with the UN Secretariat before the closing date of the REOI are not considered eligible to participate in solicitations of the UN Secretariat. We strongly recommend all companies to register at least at Level 1 under the UN Secretariat prior to participating in any solicitations. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any false, incomplete or defective vendor registration may result in the rejection of the application or cancellation of an already existing registration.2)EOI Process Vendors interested in participating in the planned solicitation process should forward their expression of interest (EOI) to United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) (UNECA) by the closing date set forth in this EOI. Due to the high volume of communications UNECA is not in a position to issue confirmation of receipt of EOIs. Please note that no further details of the planned solicitation can be made available to the vendors prior to issuance of the solicitation documents. This EOI is issued subject to the conditions contained in the EOI introductory page available at https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/eoi.