
For an open and prosperous ‘Global South’

In the face of the multiple crises shaking the world, it is time to rethink our collective trajectory and move away from models imposed or inherited from the colonial past.

The ‘Global South’, this mosaic of nations rich in their cultural, historical and geographical diversities, is at a decisive turning point. In the face of the multiple crises – environmental, economic, social and geopolitical – that are shaking the world, it is time to rethink our collective trajectory. For too long, our countries of the Global South have been locked into imposed models, inherited from a colonial past and shaped by unequal power relations. These models, under the guise of ‘development’ and ‘modernity,’ have often enriched a minority while marginalising the majority. Today, another path is emerging. A path based on autonomy, solidarity and shared prosperity. A path that makes the Global South a central player and not a mere spectator of global transformations.

The current geopolitical context is marked by a growing fragmentation of traditional alliances and global value chains, exacerbated by deglobalisation, tensions between major powers and the fight against climate change. These upheavals, although worrying, offer a unique opportunity for the Global South to redefine its place in the ‘world disorder’.

Historically, the imbalances between the West and the Global South did not appear by chance. They are the result of centuries of colonisation, exploitation and cultural domination. These power relations, which continue to structure international relations, still benefit the major Western powers and multinationals, often under the guise of a paternalistic discourse on ‘development’. This system, which maintains economic and political dependence, has enabled the West to consolidate its dominant position while marginalising the countries of the South.

The limits of an imposed model

However, the current crises – whether the tensions between the United States and China, the war in Ukraine or the climate challenges – have weakened this world order. Europe, for example, is going through an identity crisis, marked by a turning in on itself and an inability to propose a coherent global vision. Meanwhile, the West as a whole continues to believe in its cultural and scientific superiority, justifying its exploitation of the Global South on the pretext of helping it to ‘catch up’. This condescending and hypocritical discourse is increasingly rejected by the peoples of the South, who aspire to true emancipation.

In this context, the Global South has a historic opportunity to assert itself as a major geopolitical player. By relying on regional alliances and South-South partnerships, it can not only resist external pressures, but also propose an alternative to the dominant models. This alternative must be based on the principles of justice, sustainability and respect for local specificities.

Excessive urbanisation, over-consumption and economic inequality are the symptoms of a globalised system that has prioritised short-term profits at the expense of people and the environment. Under the pretext of ‘giving everyone a chance’, this model has allowed an economic and political elite to enrich itself, leaving the majority of the population in a precarious situation.

The major cities, symbols of this unbalanced development, have become hotbeds of pollution, social exclusion and marginalisation. Slums are spreading, natural resources are being depleted, and traditional ways of life, often more sustainable, are being swept away by standardised modernity.

Overconsumption, meanwhile, has introduced lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes, while exacerbating the exploitation of natural resources. This model, modelled on that of Western countries, has alienated our cultures and local knowledge, locking us into economic and cultural dependence. It is time to break with this logic. It is time to build our own model, adapted to our realities and our aspirations.

Collective sovereignty for a sustainable future

For the Global South to be able to emancipate itself from existing power relations, it must rely on collective sovereignty, based on the principles of autonomy and solidarity. This requires a reappropriation of our resources, our institutions and our narratives. We must value our traditional knowledge, our local practices and our cultural identities, while developing innovative solutions adapted to our contexts.

Rethinking urbanisation

Urbanisation must no longer be synonymous with marginalisation and environmental destruction. We must promote sustainable urban planning that favours small and medium-sized cities, strengthens rural infrastructure and integrates populations into urban planning. The cities of the Global South must become inclusive living spaces where everyone has access to basic services, efficient public transport and green spaces.

Reducing overconsumption

Overconsumption, the driving force behind the depletion of resources and inequalities, must be replaced by a circular and sustainable economy. We must promote local products, encourage modest lifestyles and reduce our dependence on imports. Food sovereignty, in particular, is a central issue: by supporting local agriculture and traditional practices, we can guarantee healthy food that is accessible to all.

Redistribute wealth

The wealth generated by our natural resources and our economies must benefit our populations, and not a minority or foreign multinationals. This requires progressive tax reforms, the fight against corruption and support for small businesses and community initiatives. Transparency and accountability must be at the heart of our public policies.

A diplomacy of resistance and transformation

The Global South can no longer be content with being a mere passive player in international relations. We must adopt an active diplomacy that resists external pressures while transforming the rules of the global game. This implies increased coordination in international forums to defend our common interests on key issues such as climate finance, the regulation of multinationals or the reform of international institutions.

This diplomacy must not be limited to governments. Civil societies, social movements and local actors must play a central role in the construction of this collective vision. The resistance movements that we are seeing today in many regions of the Global South are a direct response to decades of economic and cultural domination. They must be supported and integrated into our alliance policies.

The Global South has the opportunity to build an alternative model, based on its own realities and aspirations. This model will have to be based on the promotion of traditional knowledge. Indeed, our local practices, which are often more sustainable and resilient, must be integrated into development policies. It will have to be based on the ‘decolonisation of mentalities: we must free ourselves from the models imposed by the West and assert our own vision of progress. And finally, it will have to be based on regional solidarity: by strengthening South-South alliances, we can build collective alternatives based on the principles of justice and sustainability.

An open and prosperous Global South is not a utopian dream. It is a necessity, a response to the current crises and an opportunity to build a fairer and more equitable future. To achieve this, we must break with the models of the past and assert our autonomy. We must value our wealth, our knowledge and our identities, while building alliances based on solidarity and cooperation.

The Global South can no longer wait for others to define its future. It is time to stand up, unite and build a model that not only benefits our peoples, but inspires the entire world. Because a strong, united and emancipated Global South is an opportunity for all of humanity. It is the promise of a new global equilibrium, where justice, sustainability and human dignity are no longer distant ideals, but concrete realities. Together, we can be the architects of global change, bearers of a universal message: another world is possible, and it starts here, with us.

Crédito: Link de origem

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