
Apply Now: AU-EU Youth Voices Lab Grants – Up to €10,000 for Youth-Led Organizations Driving Change

The AU-EU Youth Voices Lab – Power of the Collective, part of the AU-EU Youth Lab programme, is announcing the launch of the Youth Voices Third-Party-Funding Mechanism (YV-TPFM), a grant initiative designed to empower youth-led organizations and groups advocating for marginalized and hard-to-reach youth.

What is this opportunity?

This funding opportunity aims to strengthen youth participation in advocacy, coalition-building, and policy engagement at the national, regional, and continental levels. It supports initiatives that amplify youth voices and drive change within their communities while ensuring their perspectives reach policymakers, including the African and European Union. Grants range between €1,000 and €10,000 and will last 12 months

Who can apply?

Youth-led organizations and groups with the following criteria are eligible:

  • Include decision-makers aged 15-35, with at least 70% of staff/volunteers under 35.
  • Register as an NGO, association, trade union, collective, or network of these entities.
  • Operate in one of the 15 eligible countries: Belgium, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
  • Demonstrate experience working with marginalized or underserved communities.
  • Conduct the proposed activity in one or more eligible countries.

Information and applications

Interested organizations should carefully review the Funding Manual for detailed eligibility and application guidelines, gather required material, and submit their proposal through the application form, accessible in English, French, and Arabic. The application deadline is Monday, March 3, 2025, at 23:59 EAT.

The Funding Manual and helpful information in English, French, and Arabic are available on this page.

Join us in strengthening youth-led change and making youth voices heard!


Timothy Oboth (Restless Development) | Programme Manager

Youth Voices Third-Party-Funding Mechanism – Team leader 

Silvia Diazzi (Youthmakers Hub) | Communication & Dissemination Manager 

Title: AU-EU Youth Voices Lab – Power of the Collective

Duration: 4 years

Starting date: 01.03.2024

Ending date: 29.02.2028

Donor: European Union (EuropeAid)

European Development Fund Reference: EuropeAid/177759/DD/ACT/Multi

Contract Number: NDICI Africa/2023/452-478

Total Budget: 7,368,421 Euro

EU Contribution: 7,000,000 Euro

Partners: Oxfam International (Oxfam Intermon, Oxfam in Africa), Restless Development (RD), Search for Common Ground (SEARCH), Youthmakers Hub (YMH), ComDevAfrica


Crédito: Link de origem

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